When Does the Ball Hit the Ground: Quadratic Equation Calculator

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Published on: April 11, 2023
Created by Taha Nur / Fact-checked by Monjurul Kader

Quadratic Equation Calculator

When Does the Ball Hit the Ground?

This calculator uses the quadratic equation to determine the time it takes for a ball to hit the ground when given the initial height and initial velocity. The calculation is based on the following assumptions:

  1. The only force acting on the ball is gravity (ignores air resistance and other forces).
  2. The motion is one-dimensional, along the vertical axis (upward or downward).
  3. The acceleration due to gravity (g) is constant and equal to 9.81 m/s² (approximately).

The formula used for the calculation is derived from the equation of motion:

h(t) = h0 + v0*t – (1/2)gt^2


  • h(t) is the height of the ball at time t,
  • h0 is the initial height,
  • v0 is the initial velocity,
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²),
  • t is the time elapsed.

To find the time when the ball hits the ground, we need to solve the equation for t when h(t) = 0:

0 = h0 + v0*t – (1/2)gt^2

This is a quadratic equation in the form of:

0 = at^2 + bt + c


  • a = -(1/2) * g
  • b = v0
  • c = h0

To solve the quadratic equation, we first calculate the discriminant (Δ):

Δ = b^2 – 4ac

Depending on the value of Δ, the quadratic equation may have zero, one, or two real solutions:

  • If Δ < 0, there are no real solutions.
  • If Δ = 0, there is one real solution:

t = -b / (2*a)

  • If Δ > 0, there are two real solutions:

t1 = (-b + sqrt(Δ)) / (2a)

t2 = (-b – sqrt(Δ)) / (2a)

Since we are looking for the time when the ball hits the ground, we need to find the smallest non-negative real solution among t1 and t2. If both solutions are negative, it means the ball will not hit the ground in the future (with the given conditions).

Once the calculator finds the appropriate value for t, it displays the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground.

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Have you ever wondered how long it takes for a ball to hit the ground after being thrown or dropped? This question often arises in physics problems, especially those related to projectile motion and free fall. In this blog post, we will discuss a quadratic equation calculator that can help you determine when a ball hits the ground based on its initial height and velocity. We’ll also delve into the physics behind the problem and the practical applications of this calculator in various fields.

The Physics Behind the Problem

Free-fall motion is a type of one-dimensional motion that occurs along the vertical axis under the influence of gravity. When an object is in free fall, gravity is the only force acting upon it, and its motion can be described using the equations of motion (Halliday, Resnick, & Walker, 2013).

In our problem, we will make two key assumptions:

  • The only force acting on the ball is gravity.
  • Air resistance and other forces are negligible.

With these assumptions, the equation of motion for the height of the ball (h) as a function of time (t) can be expressed as follows (Young & Freedman, 2012):

h(t) = h0 + v0*t – (1/2)gt^2

Here, h0 is the initial height, v0 is the initial velocity, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²).

Quadratic Equation in Free-Fall Motion

To find the time when the ball hits the ground, we need to solve the equation for t when h(t) = 0:

0 = h0 + v0*t – (1/2)gt^2

This is a quadratic equation in the form of:

0 = at^2 + bt + c

Where a = -(1/2) * g, b = v0, and c = h0.

To solve the quadratic equation, we first calculate the discriminant (Δ):

Δ = b^2 – 4ac

Depending on the value of Δ, the quadratic equation may have zero, one, or two real solutions. To find the appropriate solution for the time when the ball hits the ground, we need to identify the smallest non-negative real solution among the possible solutions.

It's important to note that this calculator has some limitations and assumptions. It assumes that the only force acting on the ball is gravity, and it does not account for other forces such as air resistance. Additionally, it assumes the initial height and initial velocity values are valid and correctly provided.

Practical Applications

The quadratic equation calculator can be used in various fields, including:

  • Physics education and problem-solving: Students and educators can use this calculator to solve and verify free-fall problems, enhancing their understanding of the underlying concepts.
  • Engineering and design considerations: Engineers can use the calculator to assess the impact of height and velocity on the time it takes for objects to reach the ground, informing design choices in various applications.
  • Sports and athletic performance analysis: Coaches and athletes can use the calculator to analyze and improve performance in sports involving projectile motion, such as basketball, soccer, and baseball.


What Is the Purpose of the “When Does the Ball Hit the Ground” Quadratic Equation Calculator?

The purpose of this calculator is to determine the time it takes for a ball to hit the ground when given its initial height and initial velocity. The calculator uses a quadratic equation derived from the equation of motion for free-fall motion, making it a helpful tool for solving physics problems and various practical applications.

How Does the Calculator Work?

The calculator takes the initial height and initial velocity as inputs and uses the equation of motion for free-fall motion to form a quadratic equation. It then solves the quadratic equation, taking into account the discriminant (Δ) to determine the appropriate real solution(s). The smallest non-negative real solution represents the time when the ball hits the ground.

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What Assumptions Does the Calculator Make?

The calculator makes two key assumptions:

  • The only force acting on the ball is gravity.
  • Air resistance and other forces are negligible.

These assumptions simplify the problem and allow the calculator to focus on the primary force affecting the ball’s motion: gravity.

Why Is the Quadratic Equation Used in This Calculator?

The quadratic equation is used because the equation of motion for free-fall motion is a second-order polynomial with respect to time (t). This means that when setting the height (h) to zero to find when the ball hits the ground, the resulting equation will be a quadratic equation in the form of 0 = at^2 + bt + c. Solving this equation will give the time(s) when the ball reaches the ground.

Can This Calculator Be Used for Problems with Air Resistance?

This calculator is designed for problems without air resistance or other forces, assuming that gravity is the only force acting on the ball. If you need to account for air resistance, you will need a more advanced calculator that can handle the additional complexity introduced by the drag force.

How Can I Apply the Results of This Calculator to Real-World Problems?

The results of this calculator can be used in various fields, such as physics education, engineering, and sports performance analysis. By understanding when a ball will hit the ground, you can make informed decisions in designing structures, analyzing projectile motion in sports, or solving physics problems. However, it’s essential to consider the limitations and assumptions of the calculator when applying its results to real-world situations.

Final Thoughts

The quadratic equation calculator provides a practical and accessible tool for determining when a ball will hit the ground based on its initial height and velocity. By understanding the underlying physics and making necessary assumptions, the calculator can be used in a variety of applications across different fields. We hope this blog post has provided you with a clear understanding of the calculator’s purpose and functionality, as well as the importance of comprehending the underlying physics.

We encourage you to explore further applications of this calculator and consider potential enhancements that could account for other forces, such as air resistance, or even extend its functionality to two-dimensional projectile motion. By doing so, you can expand your knowledge and skills in physics and related fields, paving the way for new discoveries and innovations.


  • Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2013). Fundamentals of Physics. Wiley.
  • Young, H. D., & Freedman, R. A. (2012). University Physics with Modern Physics. Pearson.
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